Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My Coffee Life Cycle

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Let’s begin with a confession: I am a coffee addict.

It all began....well a long time ago. Addiction to hot, soothing and strongly caffeinated beverages  runs in my family. The funny thing is that my mom used to actually make my siblings and myself a cup of tea (instead of a mug of delicious hot chocolate) before going to school. That was when I was in grade 1! She reckons its good for our health as it makes us feel fresh and ready for the day ahead. I totally and completely and most wholeheartedly AGREE!

Now, I know addiction means I can't help myself and keep drinking coffee all day and night, but that's not necessarily true. I know caffeine has many positive impacts on our health, but too much of anything is harmful. That's why I've established (from past experience) that more than two cups a day is a complete no-no. So every day I have a cup in the morning and one in the evening. It doesn't matter if it’s from Starbucks or 7-11, coffee is coffee.

OK so the above wasn't necessarily true because below you can see how it actually is:
Daily- 2 cups
Exam days- 4 cups or more (I need extra dosage of coffee during exams for reasons known worldwide)
Vacation - 3 cups (I enjoy it with my family)

Exceptions when I must have coffee:
  • When I have a headache 
  • When I'm hanging out with friends
  • A new coffee place just opened up around the corner! :D
Now I've tried many times to ditch the coffee and just go about my day, but that has always ended up in a complete and utter disaster. I feel like a zombie all day. Below you can see my coffee-less and coffee-filled energy throughout the day!

In conclusion, coffee is vital for life…Image result

Saturday, October 8, 2016



Most Impressive Cloud Computing Service:

My personal preference when it comes to cloud computing service is Google Drive & Docs. Although many people prefer other clouds, I personally have used Google Drive for numerous occasions. For example, for my sister's wedding, my family members from Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh, along with me, used Google docs to communicate in real time and edit our plans together. I've also used it for a gazillion university projects and presentations. Therefore, I see it as the most impressive cloud computing service.
Image result for google cloud computing real time

Although I believe it should be mentioned that I've recently learned from my STM classmate's presentation that Microsoft has very vast cloud computing services and I also found those to be impressive, however, I personally never used them. What's more is that, from my cloud computing presentation, I've learned that Microsoft and Google are responsible with carbon footprints and have been carbon neutral for awhile, another bonus point for these guys!

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Least Impressive Cloud Computing Service

Image result for amazon cloudAfter my little research on the internet, I've seen numerous negative comments and views about the Amazon Cloud Storage Service. Although I didn't try this one out myself, reviews say that Amazon has occasional outages and sometimes these outages are for hours. Amazon users must have faced a lot of inconveniences and some may have had a  lot of problems occurring due to these outages. A company as big as Amazon should have better control over its systems. Moreover, after my cloud computing presentation, I've learned that Amazon is not very responsible about it's carbon footprint, another reason that it is the least impressive cloud computing service.
